

The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) is an international organization dedicated to supporting and promoting open access (OA) publishing and scholarly communication. Founded in 2008, OASPA brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including publishers, librarians, researchers, and funding agencies, to advocate for the principles of open access and foster a transparent, equitable, and sustainable scholarly publishing ecosystem. OASPA plays a critical role in advancing open access policies, establishing best practices, and ensuring high standards in open access publishing.


The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) is an international organization dedicated to supporting and promoting open access (OA) publishing and scholarly communication. Founded in 2008, OASPA brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including publishers, librarians, researchers, and funding agencies, to advocate for the principles of open access and foster a transparent, equitable, and sustainable scholarly publishing ecosystem. OASPA plays a critical role in advancing open access policies, establishing best practices, and ensuring high standards in open access publishing.

Overview of OASPA

OASPA was established to provide a unified voice for the growing community of open access publishers and to promote best practices in scholarly communication. The organization's mission is to support the transformation of scholarly publishing by promoting innovation, sustainability, and quality in open access publishing. Through its work, OASPA aims to improve access to scholarly information, enhance the visibility of research, and remove barriers to the dissemination of knowledge. OASPA's members include a wide range of organizations, from small independent publishers and university presses to large commercial publishers and academic societies.

Key Activities and Functions of OASPA

OASPA actively promotes and supports the advancement of open access publishing through various initiatives aimed at advocacy, standard-setting, community-building, and education.

Benefits of OASPA Membership

OASPA membership offers valuable benefits that support publishers in promoting open access, maintaining quality standards, and influencing policy.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its many benefits, OASPA and the broader open access movement face several challenges. One significant issue is the sustainability of open access business models, particularly the reliance on article processing charges (APCs), which can create barriers for researchers without funding support. OASPA continues to explore alternative models, such as institutional funding, transformative agreements, and community-supported publishing, to ensure that open access remains inclusive and equitable.

Another challenge is ensuring quality and integrity in open access publishing, particularly in an environment where predatory publishers exploit the open access model for profit. OASPA's commitment to best practices and rigorous standards helps address these concerns, but ongoing vigilance and education are required to safeguard the credibility of open access.


OASPA plays a vital role in shaping the future of scholarly communication by promoting open access and supporting publishers in delivering high-quality, transparent, and ethical publications. Through its advocacy, education, and community-building efforts, OASPA is driving the transformation of scholarly publishing towards a more open and accessible model. As the open access landscape continues to evolve, OASPA\'s leadership and commitment to best practices will remain essential in ensuring that open access publishing fulfills its promise of democratizing knowledge and enhancing the global reach of scientific research. For publishers, researchers, and institutions committed to open access, OASPA offers a trusted partner in advancing a more open, equitable, and sustainable future for scholarly communication.

Partnered Content Networks

  • Cancer Science
  • Vaccine Studies
  • Gynecology
  • Food Nutrition
  • Nursing Science
  • Public Health
  • The Pharma
  • Infectious Disease
  • Neuro Care
  • Catalysis
  • Neonatal Biology
  • Neonatal Disorders
  • Mutation
  • Nanotechnology
  • Toxicology
  • Dark Biotechnology
  • Pollution Toxicology
  • Cell Biology
  • Bioanalytical Research
  • Renal Disorders
  • The Astrophysics
  • Sleep Physiology
  • Epidemiology
  • Histology
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